Does online media teach us more than education?

online media

Online media suggests that kids are more interested in learning than they really are.

Online media is a convenient and easy way for people to consume information from the internet. It is great for providing quick snippets of news, but it can also be a source of a lot of misinformation. Online media is constantly changing which makes it hard for educators to keep up with what students are learning. It has been suggested that online media replaces schoolwork as a way to learn new things without going through the education system because it operates outside the traditional curriculum.

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Online media have been around for a long time. In fact, it is almost impossible to find someone from the early days of the internet who doesn’t remember a time when they were using an internet browser with a World Wide Web address. The internet has also broken into many different types of media. Some of which include social media, online ads, and online videos.

online media

Online media, such as the internet, is introducing new teaching methods to existing classrooms. The internet allows for students to consume information in an easy way. A study conducted found that children who watched online videos were able to recall the content more effectively.

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It is becoming a huge part of our society, with digital platforms such as Netflix, Hulu and Spotify. It’s also been shown that online media has a more global audience then traditional TV. In the words of one author, “not only is it able to reach audiences far beyond those who can afford cable or satellite television, but it can now provide content seven days a week”. With the availability of information from online sources at our fingertips, it’s hard to imagine what traditional education would be like if these kinds of technology were not available.

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it has the intent to teach its audience how to be good citizens, just like education. Students can learn more about their world and future through watching videos on YouTube than they can through sitting in a classroom.